My father got baptised in 1941 when they were saying that armageddon was only months away. I must ask him how it affected him when it didn't happen. He certainly didn't apply Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
I remember my mother shaking her head at the foolishness of young Joey Wits who were getting married in the early 60's.
I've lived with this crap all my life, not ever getting baptised, I was never going to be good enough for that. I just accepted that my loving God Jehovah was going to kill me at Armageddon so I'd better get on with making the best of my short time on earth. The Sunutko tape did the rounds of NZ in the late 60's and the bit about the door being shut before 1975 stuck in my head.
By 1974 I was back studying, doing talks, witnessing etc. but never got baptised. Figured I could get a quick dunking if it really looked like it was going to happen.
By the time I had drifted out in 1976 my wife was in. I never opposed her taking the kids along with her, as I still thought she was probably doing the right thing. I only ever objected when I thought the kids were getting baptised too young.
It is only in the past couple of months that I have learned the truth about 1975, 1941 and all the other rubbish they have fed us, and come to the realisation that it has all been a total load of crap.
And that crap has affected decisions I have made for my whole life. What a cockup. I'm really pissed off.